Atkinson & Marsden Solicitors

About the People

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Dealing with lawyers can be hard work; all long words, large briefcases and questionable dress sense. We try hard to have an informal but professional relationship with our Clients. Sometimes it helps to know a little more about the people who will be working with you.

Carl Atkinson


Originally from Culcheth in Cheshire. Carl Atkinson is qualified as a Barrister and Solicitor and holds a Masters Degree in Environmental Law. After practising in some of the largest firms in the country, Carl "escaped" in 1997 and for several years he lectured in Environmental Law at a University in Manchester thereby hindering the academic development of many of his competitors. Following one departmental meeting too many in 1999 Carl started his own firm which has developed following a series of mergers and aquisitions over the subsequent years.

Carl disaproves of hair loss, weight gain and politicians. He wishes that he was a talented cricketer.

Atkinson & Marsden Solicitors

0161 775 3688